KEYWAIT -- Adds KEYWAIT$ to BASIC. Size: 55 bytes. This is the most useful lexfile for the general programmer. Instead of using KEY$ in a loop, use KEYWAIT$ without a loop. Like KEY$, it returns the most recent key from the key buffer, but unlike KEY$ it pauses execution of the program if there is nothing in the key buffer, and goes into "idle mode" (low battery drain) until a key is pressed. The HP-71 design team has said that this function was supposed to have been in the mainframe, and it is unfortunate that it was one of the ones they decided to leave out due to lack of ROM space. KEYWAIT$ is therefore found in many lexfiles and ROMs, since it is so useful. This lexfile adds only KEYWAIT$. *** KEYWAIT *** (31898) File Header (318F7) 52/01 KEYWAIT$ fn (3192B) Next File Header